I am alive, barely. I have recently rediscovered the joys of working in an office environment where the rule is: one person brings in a cold, the rest of us will get it. So because my head is about to explode, I’ll use bulletpoints.
-I bought a Sony Clie. It’s hella nifty. Anyone out there with games, ebooks, etc., feel free to share!
-I get to play stepmom to Devon’s pussy kitties for the entire month of October! Yay for Katzes!
-I ate pizza for 4 meals in a row this week. I am sick of pizza.
-Diet Pepsi is great for clearing the phlegm out of your throat, but leaves your teeth feeling icky.
-Ice cream sticks to the phlegm in your throat. But Ice cream is worth it. I am not yet sick of Ice cream.
And now I will go to collapse into a puddle and try to get some sleep.
that’s why i never get sick: i work at home 🙂