UPDATE AND DISCLAIMER: Results not typical. Please consult your physician before starting this, or any other diet and/or fitness regimen.
It’s funny, a lot of people I know and have semi-regular contact with are getting sick lately. It actually seems like I’m the only person I know who’s *not* getting ill with something. Strangely enough, it’s not uncommon for me to never actually get “whatever’s going around”.
And I just don’t know why.
I don’t eat well. I don’t exercise on purpose. I don’t get enough sleep most of the time. I abuse my body with alcohol binges every month or so.
And yet I still don’t get sick very often. Sure I come down with a case of the sniffles every now and again, but nothing debilitating, and I never ever vomit unless I’m too drunk or have food poisoning (partially through self-training in my early life that was all about willing myself *not* to vomit because I hate the senstaion so much).
I figure I can only attribute my health to two things:
a) as soon as I feel sick, I heavily launch into the drugs. Nothing illicit, but I keep myself well saturated with Day and NyQuill, Ibuprofin, NeoCitron and a LOT of water. I know some people don’t like taking drugs, but they do more than relieve symptoms. If you can prevent yourself from becoming highly congested (through the use of a decongestant) you’re less likely to develop fluid in your lungs and inner sinus cavities, allowing the virus to run its course without a lasting infection and lasting discomfort.
b) I found that I got sick a lot more often when I didn’t have a healthy frame of mind. I know it sounds sappy and self-pityish, but I used to have issues with anxiety, self-esteem, and depression. Over the past couple years I’ve managed to overcome them with the help of medical, mental health, spiritual (not specifically religious), social (friends), and personal means. I’m not saying that anyone should look to me as a guru, or that everyone can easily overcome their problems. I am saying that if you suffer from anything that keeps you down, or is a drain on your mental energy, it is also a drain on your physical energy, and if you can overcome it, I think it can do wonders for your quality of life overall.
I think my main point here, is that merely surviving isn’t what we’re meant to do. Truly living is where the real worth is, and it can make a world of difference.
This year has been a year for the sick. Almost everyone I know and/or work with is or has gotten sick.
Funny, I never get sick. And I never take anything. I’m 34. I don’t eat right. I don’t exercise aside from the work I do. I never get enough sleep.
I’m always healthy.
(from http://www.niaid.nih.gov/factsheets/cold.htm)
Nonprescription cold remedies, including decongestants and cough suppressants, may relieve some cold symptoms but will not prevent, cure, or even shorten the duration of illness. Moreover, most have some side effects, such as drowsiness, dizziness, insomnia, or upset stomach, and should be taken with care.
Hey Jen, if you’re not sick, you should drag your ass out to the SATC party I’m having on Friday!
I too am still healthy, which to me is surprising, because I usually catch everything, and I was hanging out with the Sick Squad last weekend.
I’m not looking forward to starting a new job (whenever that happens) because almost invariably I get a cold when I start a new job. I think it’s because i’m suddenly exposed to all kinds of new people and their germs.
I, too, douse myself with drugs when I’m sick. I, too, am (for once!) in a pretty good state of mind these days.
I am sick as a freaking dog.
On the other hand, I’m not as bad off as Devon, who has shunned most drugs save tylenol (not her fault — she can’t take most of them.) I love my benadryl. Love it!
Last time I was sick, I carried my benadryl around like a hip flask. I was high as a kite, but felt infinitely better.