I think that today, I had one of those life-impacting moments, one of those “Where were you when….” moments that everyone seems to love to share.
Where were you when Elvis died? Not born yet.
Where were you when Princess Dianna died? At an amateur stock-car race in Victoria.
Where were you when they caught Saddam Hussein? Sleeping peacefully, except I forgot to set the sleep timer on my TV, so I was rudely awoken at 4:00 AM to the sound of anyone who was at the press-conference this morning cheering uncontrolably. Great.
I was in the car with my parents when Elvis died. We heard the news at a red light. I heard about John Lennon at home on the radeo. Sudenly, I feel old, I’m going to bed…..lol. Oh, I was at a cottage in Quebec, when Princes Di passed on, and I compleatly missed when Saddam was caught, but, I’ve been a little out of the loop recently. 😉
i was playing D&D when princess Di died. i’m a huge nerd.
and i was at church when i found out that they caught Saddam Hussein. 🙂
hee. I was at Rocky Horror Picture Show in Cloverdale of all places when princess di died. That’s right, full fetish gear. Sigh. I’m classy.