Next bit of excitement here: I’m going to be participating in the Weekend to End Breast Cancer.
For those who know me, this is a stretch. I am lazy. I am selfish. I am not athletic. I hate talking about money – nevermind asking people for it.
I also needed a severe kick in the ass. And this is it.
The closest I’ve come to breast cancer is finding a tiny lump one day. It turned out to be nothing – but the 3 days before I could get in to my doctor were absolutely terrifying. I can’t imagine going through that again, nevermind having that lump turn out to be “something”. I don’t want anyone to ever go through that feeling of terror and helplesness.
I’ve also had countless friends and family touched by other types of cancer – and any cancer research is a step in the right direction. The BC Cancer Foundation, benefitting from this event, is one of the world’s leading facilities in mapping cancer genomes. Important ground breaking research takes place there daily. A cure is definitely on its way.
I’ve made the committment to pay the registration fee, train for 5 months, spend a weekend walking 60kms through Vancouver, and raise $2000 for the cause.
You’ll notice the Save the Boobies link on the right sidebar – click on that to donate online by Visa or Mastercard, or print out the donation form and mail in a cheque. At last year’s event in Toronto, over 70% of the funds raised were able to go directly to the beneficiary (St. Mary’s Hospital).
I understand a lot of my friends are not in a financial position to donate – I’d still really appreciate your support in passing this message along to your friends or family who can donate, as a walking buddy, or with some fundraising ideas.
And dude, 60 kms is effing FAR. I’m gonna die.
Hi there. I followed the link from Dev and Donna’s respective sites. I’m planning on doing the walk as well and was wondering if you’d like to do a team effort. I haven’t started training or anything yet and would love to have the support of another person! Anyway, please let me know.
I will pledge to the boobies (all hail the boobie!) but you have to come and hunt me down and have coffee with me first. 🙂
You rock. 🙂 I’m rooting for you!
Yah, I’ve got a whole training program outlined for me so I don’t die (at least not on the first day).
Do they give you an orientation for this sort of thing? Sort of how you can train up to the 60kms?
I know people who’ve done walks like this in the states. It’s an awesome undertaking. You should maybe think about moving your Save The Boobies icon up further, so that people see it all the time and if they happen to get some money they can donate later.. they’ll see it to be able to donate 🙂
This is an awesome undertaking — congrats!