Deep Thoughts

3 thoughts on “Deep Thoughts”

  1. I came to a point just over a year ago when i decided that posting certain things on my website (where i had no control over who was reading what) really wasn’t in my best interest, so i ended up posting somewhere where i could control who read what i was saying.

    Now i post almost nothing to my website, and post absolutely anything i feel like in the other place.

    For me, it all boiled down to the pressure that other people put on me for what i might say publically, even though it would be something that i would say in person.

    I’d rather write with the freedom of knowing that i’m writing for me, rather than an audience. It goes to the point where i print out entries i’ve written online and chronologically file them away in a binder. I want to be able to read these things once the internet is dead 😉

  2. I’ve never used mine or my roommate’s full name on this blog. Googling myself doesn’t point here at all.

  3. It is very easy for people to find out what you’ve written about them when you’re using their proper name. I’ve had three subjects of blog posts send e-mails or leave comments on my blog in response to what I’d written (fortunately, everything I had to say was positive and vice versa).

    A lot of people are out there Googling their name on a regular basis.

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