I’m home, I’m mostly rested, quite well-fed, and finally….. content.
You see, I was planning on leaving the aforementioned job in short order. In fact, I had made the decision last weekend, and was slowly starting the job search. I suppose now I just need to speed that process up a little 🙂
Working for a startup has a huge potential for being fun, exciting, challenging, and rewarding. My job stopped being all those things about a month ago. A move to some really nice new office space masked a bit of the discontent – but the shiny/happy illusion was again fading.
I’m glad that the company decided to let everyone go and shut down before they couldn’t pay anyone the hours and severance we were entitled to. There are far too many startups and flakey execs who would’ve let us show up to a locked door and a “too bad so sad” note in a month. I do have to respect my current employers for that.
As much as I’ll miss some of the work that I did, and many of the people I worked with, some things I will definitely NOT miss are the fact that this job taught me the meanings of the words “tension headache” and “migraine headache” as well as the pavlovian fear response that the ringing of my cell phone evoked. I’ve actually changed my ring tone – I hope that helps.
All in all, it wasn’t exactly the plan I had in mind – but things always happen for a reason, and I’ve always landed on my feet. Now it’s just a matter of when. In the meantime, I’ve got a little more time for me right now, time which was sorely lacking before, and I’m enjoying it.
Fogg & Suds on Robson & Jervis tonight (4:30ish). love you!