This isn’t for your average cinematic waste of 136 minutes though.
I’m just so impressed with Carmen Electra’s Fit to Strip that I had to write about it.
It’s not often that I can find a fitness video that a) has exercises that seem custom designed for me, and b) doesn’t annoy the fuck outta me.
This is a hard workout. I’m not in fantastic shape, but I’m probably at a slightly above average fitness/strength level. And this video kicks my ass. Never before has any program rendered me dripping and quivering (with sweat and exhaustion, perverts) after the first 20 minutes.
Also, Michael brings out many exercises that I’ve never seen before. The typical fitness videos (with the perky, altered blonde instructor) usually all go through the same basic set of exercises, and I’ll have mastered them and tired of them within a week. They also seem to focus solely on cardio and a bit of strength training.
In Fit to Strip, the exercises are tough. They also focus on strength, as well as flexibility. I think having a male instructor really helps to make a difference, since the exercises seem equally suited to increasing muscle tone in both sexes.
Looking at the stripping routines on the rest of the DVDs, it’s pretty obvious why one would need a different fitness regimen in order to successfully make it through the routines. Being “fit to strip” is obviously different than any other kind of fit that I’ve seen delivered by video – and by gum I like it!