As the days go by, and I search my closet for “something to wear” it becomes painfully obvious that as time has gone by, my ability to look like a girl has flown right out the window. I’m still good with the makeup and hair, but the girlie clothes seem to have gone by the wayside.
I own more sensible shoes than heels. When did that happen? I think I have two skirts left that I’ll wear out of the house. Most of my shirts are all very plain.
I think a shopping trip is in order. Anyone have any favourite places that aren’t too expensive, and have feminine clothes that aren’t too trashy or trendy? Also, don’t say Jacob. They’ve ceased to carry sizes larger than 9, and that train pulled out of my station a loooooooong time ago.
Does Jacob have a website?? If so can you email it to me
thanx a bunch
Hey guys, i work at Jacob Connexion, in Ottawa. I noticed your comments about us not carrying over size 9. Where the hell did you come up with that? Our sizes have not changed, we carry from size 1-14, and 26-33. Sometimes the fits of the sizes changes a little… but we still offer all the sizes.
Oooh, am I too late to jump on the bandwagon?
I’m all about the pretty girly clothes. I like RW&CO, although their clothes can run pricey on some things. But they always have some good stuff on the sale racks.
I’d advise going to Urban Planet, the garage or stores of the like. You want clothes that are inexpensive but not cheap looking and of questionable quality.
I was very seriously surprised by a store called Urban Planet in Metrotown. The damn thing is HUGE and while I can’t exactly vouch for the quality of the clothes they are damn cheap and did I mention the store is huge? It’s funky and colourful. Although the clothes aren’t exactly “Jacob” quality, it might be just what you need if you’re in the middle of a weight loss.
Don’t discount the Garage either. I’m at work so I have to finish this quick but I just thought about 5 other stores…
Write later. 🙂
bring me, if only because I have no sense of style… heeelp meeee!
I shop wherever I happen to see clothes I like. God, I’m lame.
Reitmans is one of my favorite places because their pants and shirts seem to be designed for women who have actual bodies. And don’t overlook the Bay and Sears downtown either – they stock the best stuff to keep up with all the trendy mall stores around them. Suburban department stores blow goats though – especially the Brentwood Sears.
I need shoes in a bad way, but I have to stick to low heels which tends to limit me to the “sensible” styles… and that sucks.
Oh… and a couple of great consignment stores – Second Suit on 4th, and Dragon & Phoenix on 41st just east of Alma.
The Bay had some nice Mexx stuff on sale lately too.
If you and Devon go shopping, can I tag along? My caboose also pulled out of size 9 long ago, and I no longer no where to shop. My closet is a pathetic mess of clothes I hope to wear again one day (but probably won’t).
If the shopping trip doesn’t pan out, can you mention promising stores on the blog? I really would like to know where to go for clothes that fit. So far, Esprit has been okay for clothes my size, but they’re expensive. I’ve been curious to visit Bodacious on Main Street (, but I’m not sure if they’ll have anything small enough. I heard that they’ve started selling clothes from size 10 and up, but I don’t know if I’ll find anything. It’s annoying to be this size that is too big for many mall stores to carry, but too small for boutique plus-size stores.
Fairweather is always good, as is Reitmans. Go to Winners only if you’re prepared to be there for numerous hours looking through racks and trying shit on.
I’m a big fan of Jacob, but haven’t been there in a while and therefore haven’t noticed the size shrinkage. Other stores I own clothes from: Old Navy, GAP, and Smart Set.
One word:
Ooh! Ooh! Wait for me! If you wait until next week, I’ll go shopping with you!
I’m broke as shit, but I am in dire need of new underwear, and some non-denim pants and skirts for fall. And a few shirts wouldn’t hurt, either.