Wake up at 5:45am to Alarm #1 = boo.
Realizee I have an extra hour to sleep until Alarm #2 = yay!
Wake up to Alarm #2 firmly convinced it is Thursday = yay!
Hear person on news refer to today as Wednesday = boo.
Remember I still have a speech to write for Thursday = boo.
Remind self that it’s still Wednesday = yay!
Put on shoes & coat, walk to work = yay! (it was very tempting to hop in a cab today)
Realize legs are BROKEN from run yesterday = boo.
Make it to work in the nick of time = yay!
Burn mouth on bad coffee = boo.
Receive funny email from co-worker and giggle = yay!
Realize blog entry is utter shit = boo.
“Utter” is too strong a word.
“Mostly” would have sufficed 😉