First, a PSA – November is here, please get your poppy and donate generously.
Other than that, nothing interesting to report. I kicked a bit of ass at Training Jeopardy and won a company branded hoodie jacket. Handy, as I’ve been in the HOLYFRICKINHELLITSCOLDINHERE training room all last week and today.
And now, a meme. Stolen from everyone. After the jump.
A is for age: 24
B is for booze: Single Malt Scotch – specifically Oban
C is for career: Business Services Representative
D is for dad’s name: Norman
E is for essential item to bring to a party: Self.
F is for favorite song at the moment: Daughters – John Mayer
G is for girlfriend: I’m not one (to a boyfriend anyway). It’s fun 🙂
H is for hometown: Wherever I lay my head. Lately it’s Burnaby.
I is for instruments you play: Used to play piano. If anyone would like to purchase an electric one for me, I would be eternally grateful.
J is for jam or jelly you like: KY?
K is for kids: None yet. Maybe later.
L is for living arrangements: Apartment. Roommate.
M is for mom’s name: Mary Ann
N is for name of your best friend: Me, Myself, I.
O is for overnight hospital stays: 1
P is for phobia: Arachnophobia. Claustrophobia.
Q is for quote you like: “The problem with Common Sense is that it’s more common than sense” – Antonio Gramsci
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: Brian. 4 years.
S is for sexual position: I take the position that I like sex. Good enough?
T is for time you wake up: On a good day, 5:45am. Not so good, 7:30am. Weekends, 9:00am.
U is for unique trait: I have a very good memory for a lot of things people would rather I forget.
V is for vegetable you love: all of them.
W is for worst trait: Procrastination, and everything that goes with it.
X is for x-rays you’ve had: Back, Hips, Bottom System. I’m likely sterile by now.
Y is for yummy food you make: All kinds. Latest: Turkey dinner.
Z is for zodiac sign: Leo.
Wow, you’re up before noon every single day? Kudos.
Hi peechie!
I hope you had a nice weekend, and a Happy halloween, and did not get hit with any eggs, because I did!
Here are my answers!
A is for age: Can’t tell you because my mom says not to give out personal information, so I say ok.
B is for booze: Huh?
C is for career: I hope to work where my big brother works making Chinese Tacos
D is for dad’s name: It starts with an N, and ends with a N, but I call him dad.
E is for essential item to bring to a party: My Puma’s
F is for favorite song at the moment: Only Time – by Enya
G is for girlfriend: Sally Smalltree, I think.
H is for hometown: New York
I is for instruments you play: I play a little black flute, but my big brother says I suck!
J is for jam or jelly you like: I don’t eat jelly, but my grandma does, and it’s gross!
K is for kids: That’s what I am, just tall and hairy
L is for living arrangements: I live under our roof with my hamster Duckie.
M is for mom’s name: Starts with a J, but it’s not Jack.
N is for name of your best friend: Duckie, my mom, baby sister, Sally, Nadia, Alice, and old lady Bags.
O is for overnight hospital stays: Alot!
P is for phobia: What’s that?
Q is for quote you like: El Nino is spanish. It is the spanish word for child. Like all things spanish, it is dangerous. It kills people and burns down trees. – Jeremy Lavine
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: My family!
S is for sexual position: To wait for the right time, because I’m not ready!
T is for time you wake up: whenever my hamster Duckie does his aerobics in his wheel.
U is for unique trait: When I traited some baseball cards to get an old Reggie Jackson card!
V is for vegetable you love: All of them, including leafs.
W is for worst trait: Instead of getting Reggie Jackson, I got a Pokemon card!
X is for x-rays you’ve had: My arm, but mostly my head, because I hit it alot, and that hurts!
Y is for yummy food you make: Cornflakes
Z is for zodiac sign: Peaces