Last weekend was not a good computer weekend for me. Meaning I blew the power supply on my desktop. At least, we’re hoping it’s the power supply. If it’s the motherboard, I will cry.
In either case, I now own a desk full of $2000 worth of paperweight.
Thank goodness for the laptop. But sometimes, you just wanna sit at a desk.
So I’m now recruiting geeks who wanna come over and diagnose, tell me what parts to buy, then fix the computer. I can’t offer much in return – but I will make you dinner, cuz I’m nice like that. Takers?
I have a box full of spare motherboards, PSUs, and generic PC parts. If you need a diagnosis, repair or replacement, let me know. You’re welcome to any parts required. My going rate is a bottle of Glenmorangie 😉
i’ll help you out. i’m somewhat of a computer geek.