Stolen from Joelle. All of these things are true about me, except ONE! Guess which it is.
First person who knows me (or wants to meet me) to get it right gets a beer (or other beverage of your choice). If you don’t know me, or live far, far away I’ll find something neat to mail you.
Ready, Set, Go:
1. I have seen Donny Osmond in nothing but his skivvies.
2. I bounced a cheque for over $3000 and talked my way out of having it ever appear on my bank record or credit report.
3. I was published by a national industry newsletter at the age of 15.
4. I caught a 6lb trout on my first cast when lake fishing, but was made to throw it back, because there “must be bigger ones out there.” There weren’t.
5. I served Pierre Trudeau an Arch Deluxe meal at McDonald’s.
6. I suffered 2nd & 3rd degree burns over 75% of my face when I was a child. Luckily I was left with no scars.
7. I’ve run over a cat.
8. I ate brains, on purpose, and loved it.
9. I stole over $500 in long distance calling cards.
10. I faced my own mortality when I nearly died on a ranch 45 minutes away from any sort of paved road, 3 hours away from access to medical care.
Good Luck!
Update: So here’s a freebie – it’s not #6, because I mis-diagnosed my own prior injury. I only had a very small area with 3rd degree burns (point of impact), but due to the area (hairline) I don’t actually have scarring. Any other guesses before I post the answer?
Wild guess – number 10. And I was SO going to say 6 before I read the update!
Oh… I read it wrong. Ignore me, I’m just a goon.
I say #1 is true, because I’ve done it! Easy if you’ve seen him in Joseph & the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.
Darn, I wanted to guess 6. Um…5 I guess…
Not that I’ve ever met you or anything (just seen your comments on other blogs), but I figure the less outrageous it is, the more likely it is to be false 🙂
Since #7 is spoken for, I’ll go with #4. I can’t imagine anyone making up #1 🙂
I’ll go with 9. Our innocent little peechie couldn’t POSSIBLY have done that… could she? 🙂
Definitely number 6.
I guess that #7 is false. *LOL* Sorry, no offense intended if I’m wrong! *hee hee* There were some doozies on here, peechie! 😉