Gah. All the busy in the world happened to me this weekend.
Thursday night; blogger meetup. Friday night; Jazz at the Cellar. Saturday afternoon; lunch date. Saturday night; birthday shindig (and much too much liquor – but so much fun). Sunday morning; hangover, housewarming brunch. Sunday night; hanging the outdoor Christmas lights.
I just ask where the hell were all of you with the plans and the dates and the birthdays and the moving the first three weeks of November, when I had no plans at all?
And because my brain is too busy to think of entertaining content, I present to you a laundry list of what the rest of my month looks like:
December 6-12:
-Christmas Shopping
-Massage appointment
-Optometrist appointment
-Furniture moving
-Year-end Financial Advisor appointment (if I can still see her this week – no appointment made yet) – includes getting a bunch of stuff together that I need to bring to her.
-Purchasing stamps and finally mailing the stack of Christmas Cards on my desk (yes people, they’re coming)
-Getting my butt into the gym or otherwise sweatin’ (with or without the Oldies) at least four times this week
-Friday night Christmas party
-Sunday evening hockey game
December 13-19:
-Christmas baking and wrapping
-Another massage (I’m going for at least one a week between now and the end of the year)
-Doctor’s appointment
-Any other appointments I couldn’t fit in the week before
-Any shopping I didn’t get finished
-Registering for January class(es?)
-New Roommate moving in
-Continuing with the pre-emptive obsessive working out to thwart the holiday eating and sloth
December 20-24
-Hair Appointment
-Another massage
-Gym every day – If I haven’t already collapsed and died.
That’s a rather demanding list you’ve got going there. I wish you luck!!
Okay… that list stresses me out just looking at it! Who has their time planned out that far ahead? I have a tough time deciding what time in the morning to set the alarm for!