Ok, pity party over. It’s time to reclaim the mojo.
I’ve never read Steven Covey’s 7 Habits books, but when I had the mojo, there were some hard and fast rules and habits that I lived by. I was more than just an effective person, I was a machine.
When the mojo was flowing I was living pro-actively, instead of reactively. For example: there are a few things that, if I do them in the evening, will reduce the time it takes me to get my ass out the door by 20 minutes. Being pro-active because I know what I need to do, instead of reacting to the alarm clock in the morning with a stream of expletives. I need to start doing those things again instead of collapsing as soon as I get in the door in the evenings and putting it all off until “tomorrow.”
I’m also deeply affected by my surroundings. There are mountains of clutter all up in my space that I need to deal with. Papers to be filed, recycling to be taken out, things I don’t need any more to be donated to charity. It all just needs to go.
I also have a “lucky bamboo” that might not be so lucky any more. It’s a gorgeous arrangement, but one stalk (out of 24) died. I’m thinking this is bad for the fung shui. Then again, when the rest of my surroundings are more zen-like, the bamboo doesn’t actually seem to affect much either way.
The other important thing I need to focus on is quality sleep and exercise. They seem to go hand in hand. When I exercise and sleep better I have way more energy. While I know this in my head, it’s hard to get back into it.
Lots of people say they hate January with the lack of sunlight etc. January’s not so bad. When it’s dark almost all the time, I don’t feel bad about letting things slide. It’s cozy and comforting to snuggle up with myself in the dark infront of the TV. February though, with the winter bulbs starting to bloom and the slowly increasing hours of sunlight, just serves to remind me exactly how lethargic I’ve become and how much I need to work on to get back into the groove.
And it’s starting today.
Ahh… I think you both have mites or something. 🙂
But, having said that, taking action feels so rewarding!! Start by coming out to my spa afternoon with me soon… And, I’m moving to a place that has a beautiful gym, sauna, and lap pool, so you’ll have to come over and find some mojo with some workouts with moi!
It would be fun…
On another note — One of my friends (you know who he is, but he gets enough attention already) always says, if you want to feel better about life, become a “yes” person. I know you pretty much have this covered, but just in case, even when you get the “no” almost passing your lips when asked to head out, say “yes” anyhow. It’s amazing how well that picks me up!
YOU GO GIRL! Way to kick some lethargic ASS. Totally inspiring post.
By the way, I’ve had a bunch of lucky bamboo die in my apartment, too. I wonder if there’s just some kind of bad bamboo mojo going around. It spreads, too – first one stalk died, and then another. The first stalk had experienced some trauma so I wasn’t surprised when it died, but the other three that have now turned yellow have NOTHING wrong with them. Isn’t that weird?