Update, or something…

3 thoughts on “Update, or something…”

  1. 12 cookies, a fish stick, and a BEER make an excellent dinner though. You’re just missing the beer. 😀

    So how long will it be before you get to recruit people for a massive reorganization of the Spelunking Equipment Room? Cuz I know of at least two people who are dying to get in there with some labelling tape and plastic bins.

  2. PS if you need to crash on our murphy bed instead of the nasty couch, let me know. I can pick you up on Tuesday night and shove food and pillows at you.
    PPS What hours do you work anyways?

  3. a) There’s a sectional coaches’ meeting next Thursday night – I figure reorganization will be a go after that.

    b) the murphy bed might just be a damn good idea! And I’m trying to stick with being in the office at least 6 regular business hours (8am-6pm), depending on whether my workload needs me in earlier or later.

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