I’m getting a little nervous about the State of the Union in my home.
I’m losing faith that Ray will actually be making his exodus at the end of 2005 instead of mid-2006.
He was planning on moving in with a friend of his, but that fell through. Apparently the friend was “asking too much in rent.” Despite the setback, it seems like Ray is really trying to find a place ASAP. He made another “respectful request” the other day, and asked if I would mind passing on any listings I found for places to live, since he’s only got so many hours in a day.
I was happy to oblige, until I heard his criteria, which demonstrate just how out of touch with reality he actually is.
Ray wants:
– 1 bedroom
– laundry included
– preferably utilities included
– in the North/Central Burnaby (BCIT) area
– FOR FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS A MONTH! He’ll “consider” paying up to $600 if it’s a “kickass” place.
For those not familiar with the area, a $600/mo place will be bottom of the barrel. One bedroom basement suites typically start around $675, apartments around $750 and two bedroom places are usually upwards of $900 before utilities. With SFU and BCIT so near by, and with such great proximity to Vancouver, rental vacancies are hot commodities and aren’t going to be going down in price any time soon.
I think I may need to take the hard line, and make it official that Ray goes at the end of the year, and wish him and his crazy expectations lots of luck.
Haha…wow. He’s really optimistic 😉
irregardless of how he’s been mis-orientated regarding rental values, it clearly falls upon you as his surrogate mom to nip this goose in the stitch of time and point the poor fool towards craigslist.
Ooops. There’s that ‘irregardless’ 🙂
Sorry, I couldn’t help but to point it out, seeing how it was such a fresh blog entry. LOL!
Hah! Cam, you crack me up!
Let him read my “Rental-Rant” from last week! That may open his eyes to the true reality that exists outside the confines of his smelly world/room.
…. for $500 a month surely he is planning on having a roommate, right?