I’ll tell you no lies.
Apparently despite the complete and utter drivel I’ve been passing off as content, people still read. And occasionally comment.
But that’s it. I’ve run out of things to say for the moment. Nothing fun or exciting on the Homefront, Workfront, Carfront or Datingfront. I don’t even get a haircut for another week and a half.
So here’s the deal. When all else fails, ask your readers to ask you questions! But there is a twist!
I promise I’ll answer the questions truthfully. Unless doing so requires me to put something on the internet that I’m not comfortable with. In which case, I’ll make up a completely false answer. And not tell you!
At some point, I’ll reveal how many of the answers are lies – whoever guesses correctly between the lies and truths wins a prize, yet to be determined.
So, go ahead my pretties! Delurk and ask all those things you didn’t know you wanted to know about me!
LOL – O gawd…..
Can’t reesist…. asking….. totally inappropriate question….
Resist…. Yes…. mustt *gggraahhhh* re-sssist.
“How do you wear it??”
*sigh*… kind of resisted… not quite… it .. meaning …. Her! – lol (Erase at will)
how do you wear it??? how do you stand being smarter than your average bear? is there enough stimulation in your world? are you happy? do you admire or scorn drunk comments on a wednesday? and last but not at all least, do you believe in liars? magic?
What would you do if you won a million dollars?
Who are three people, living or dead, that have had a profound impact on you life and why?
… wear what? I don’t get it!
Liberal, NDP, Conservative or Green?
What did you think your life was going to be like at 15? 25? Did it happen? Are you disappointed or happy about that?
Favourite shameful reading material?
Is there a moment in your life, that you can think back to, that everything changed for you?
What’s your favourite vacation spot? (ps: did you book a trip, yet?)
What makes you happiest?
Is there any conversation that you truly regret, and how would you change it?
What’s the most embarrassed you’ve ever been?
Name something you would only do for a minimum of $250,000 dollars, and then name something you wouldn’t do even for $250,000.
Fuck all this philosophical bullshit.. what’s your favorite drink!?!?!
* written while drunk.
DISCLAIMER: This comment may or may not contain offensive or inappropriate suggestions or overt statements. Pay no attention to the woman behind the curtain.