So through the hectic haze that is the holidays in December, and then that long, slow January, I was feeling a little… off. My blog posting slowed, work slowed, I wasn’t out and about on the town much and really just wanted to hang out in my wee cocoon of home and man and dog and hibernate for a bit.
I’ve finally decided that’s enough of that, and it’s time to get back into the swing of things.
Between the hibernation and some small humps in my personal life, I feel as if I’ve lost a little something.
I am trying to reclaim that something, and part of the process is trying to be more authentic, which is something I’m struggling with lately.
I know that since I abandoned a life of continuously hitting the town, and firefighters puking over my balcony this blog has gotten boring. I try, I really do – but now I need some help. Anyone can go on bad dates and tell stories about them – but there were readers here long before that, and long after, so something must remain.
I am not playing in a delurking game, or whoring for comments and/or attention. I’m asking you, gentle reader, to help make this a better blog. This is for you! All I want you to do is answer this one question:
What do you think is my Unique Ability?
Apply this however you see fit – if you only know me through my blog, apply it that way. If you know me in person, consider that too. Heck, consider that alone and leave the blog out of it entirely if you think that it’s just gone too far down the tank to be relevant. Interpret unique ability in the way that strikes you as most correct for your world (there is no right or wrong answer) and tell me, either via email or in the comments.
But I’d like you to answer. Pretty please!
I think it’s your sense of humour and your ability to tell stories – to take the everyday & seemingly mundane and make it hilarious or even just a little bit more interesting.
It’s either that or your great ass
you mention authenticity but you also mention that the blog is for your readers.
i’m curious, why do you blog?
I think your unique ability is to do a tequila shot with every* person who arrives at your party.
*limit 10 – exceeding limit may be hazardous.
I think it’s your ability to connect with your readers. Since I first started reading your blog I’ve always thought you seemed like the kind of person I’d be friends with.
I think your unique ability is to cover stories (like your Vonage post or how-tos) comprehensively without lecturing or boring.
On the other hand, some of the Watkiss/Wiederick household moments miss, in my opinion. It’s like you’re sharing inside jokes that are only half as funny or poignant to your audience than they are to you.
Just an opinion. =) It will always be your blog and your choice first.
When I read you I think of you as *real*, a person I could see myself being friends with as Courtney said. Also I think you sound fun. I used to live on the Mainland (but now back on V-Island) and enjoy hearing the adventures of places that are familiar to me.
I’ve been stopping by since ‘movable peechie’ and there is something about the way you tell a story that keeps me coming back. Your sense of humor and wit are what make this blog readable. I’ll agree with your statement about the content…but that is the nature of blogging. Keep making us laugh.
Blog-wise, I think you have a unique voice in your posts that is inimitable and very fun to read. You’re consistent in your tone and in your candor.
When it comes to offline, I think you are a good listener and are able to empathize with people and make them feel comfortable talking to you. You listen with an open mind. That’s a gift.
I have to say that your unique ability is to make something fairly ho-hum and blah into something amusing and interesting that can be presented to the world. Look at what you’ve done with Neil!
If you get really stuck for interesting blog posts, you could always make a second installment of blog jeopardy.