Book Review: How We Lead Matters

2 thoughts on “Book Review: How We Lead Matters”

  1. Hi Jen,

    This topic hits close to home recently. I think this year/summer I understood more deeply how careful we must be with our leadership.

    My team at work had some weeks of stress and it’s really hard to keep your head up, let alone be a good leader when things are rough.

    I think we need to go easier on ourselves sometimes. It’s so easy to get down about our actions, or our re-actions to others. We need to look at the 98 peaceful and wonderful things we did and focus less on the 2 dumb things we said.

    Your reflection on that book gave you some clarity, and put past thoughts into a new perspective. My team at work talked through our problems and stress, and came to a new understanding of how to work through it.

    Maybe the message is to notice when we’re speeding up towards that crescendo of emotion and action and to slow down before it erupts. I guess the theory is that eventually we’ll get that clarity of the “right thing” before we act more and more often.

    But this is all so obvious, eh? The hard part is actually doing it, of course.

    I read lots of posts and some books about meditation and buddhism and suffering, and I understand some theory at an intellectual level. But when you’re in the shit, the theory isn’t very satisfying.

    When we’re in that down zone we need to recognize it and then follow that path out. For me, I discovered that I can be down in the dumps, but if I write a big chunk of code or build something, it can turn me around. I’ve started to do this more intentionally now.

    And I think it’s worth it for us to each fight to stay positive and productive. We need us to be awesome and to build new communities and companies and wealth and happiness. Our friends need us! We need our friends to be happy and healthy! It’s all so important, really.
    .-= Luke´s last blog ..On Critical Mass and Critical Manners =-.

  2. You wrote, “The Brute = Bitch issue is also a leadership perception issue that is unique to women. Maybe it’s not right, but it’s there, and something that female leaders need to be aware of. I would like to hone a style that is authentic to my role as a woman as well as a leader.”

    The book Am-bitch-ous (which had to renamed “Ambition is not a Dirty Word”) by Debra Condren might be interesting to you. Some parts of it are can get kind of dumb, but other parts of it might speak to your frustration about the difference in interpretation of assertiveness. Worth a check out of the library, perhaps. I generally have the opposite problem, but I’ve been the occasional bitch/brute as well.

    It also reminds me of my Vancouver vs. Toronto gripes as well, which has more to do with leadership in the sense of proactively around identifying weaknesses and working around or through them.
    .-= Karen´s last blog ..City of Vancouver’s Data Site goes beta =-.

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