Leaky, the TMI Post

10 thoughts on “Leaky, the TMI Post”

  1. Oh god. The horror stories I could tell you. I never experienced the early lactation but my kegel muscles seemed to lose the ability to control fluid leakage. Many an embarrassment. Invest in breast pads now. Unless of course, you like waking up in a pool of breast milk and staining every set of sheets you own. (I found the Johnson’s Nursing Pads worked best for absorption.)

    BTW, my obstetrician actually referred to the fetus as a parasite so I didn’t feel like such a monster when I called her that.

    Hang in there!

  2. I was reminded of how strange it is to grow a human inside your body last night as I tried to go to sleep and it had the hiccups. seriously weird to feel someone else’s hiccups inside your abdomen…

    If you find you dont need the full big washable breast pads, and its just a small amount every once in a while just buy the little cotton round pads (for taking makeup off etc) and use those…

  3. @Courtney – thankfully I have (so far) got the bladder and kegels of a champ!

    @steven – haha!

    @jen – I suppose “hard” is the wrong word. This whole process so far isn’t particularly difficult (after all, I’m really just along for the ride), just incredibly irritating sometimes.

    @Laura – hiccups? Nutty. Can’t wait for that one!

  4. Just fair warning from a fellow control freak: get used to it. From this point forward there is nothing that is going to be within your control again. Ever.

    Just ask Laura about how I was sitting on the couch next to her at Jen’s baby shower (having left baby at home with husband with some pumped milk) and suddenly I was actually spraying milk through my shirt. Not a dribble. Not a slowly expanding wet circle on my shirt. A full on spray of milk through several layers of cloth. I got a lot of use out of washable breast pads.

  5. “You just try having drops of tepid liquid land on your arm”

    Had you been a teenage boy at some point in your past, this wouldn’t seem so odd.

  6. Sorry, all I have to offer in response to this is *giggle*.

    Don’t worry… in about 4 years this will all be past you. The tepid liquid will be getting spilled on you by your child, instead.

    Remind me why we thought child-rearing was a good idea?

  7. Speaking as someone whose body has essentially become old before its time, I’ll warn you that this sort of stuff will only increase with age too — children or no. Our bodies become less adept at managing their fluids over the decades.

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