Remember that resolution I published about taking more photos? So far it seems to be happening.
I’m not hitting a picture a day as I’d originally planned, but the camera now lives out in the open, and I’m definitely taking more pictures of things this year so far than last. And they’re slowly making their way onto Flickr. I figure I’ll certainly average 365 pictures this year, especially once the days are a little longer and I’m outside a bit more.
So far I’m not super thrilled with most of the pictures I’m taking, but I’m trying not to let that discourage me. After all, part of doing this is to learn and get better! At this point the biggest thing I need to work on is slowing down and taking my time composing a shot and tweaking settings. Most of my photos are a little (or a lot) off on focus and lighting.
Not to say all my pictures are total crap. I’m actually pretty fond of this one:
Follow along with the entire set here. Hopefully as the year goes on they’ll become much more technically and artistically appealing. In the meantime, any tips you have to share would be awesome!
Even though I didn’t keep to the 1 photo per day thing, I came out of my 365 way happier with my photography skills than going in.
I’m sure that by the second month you’ll see enough improvement to keep the momentum going, especially if you’re putting them on flickr and can see them all at once.
Good luck!