The Tired

5 thoughts on “The Tired”

  1. I hear ya! But it’s good training for living on a boat if that’s ever your inclination. I think that I’m up about 1 to 2 times a night to make sure the anchor hasn’t dragged, or someone else isn’t dragging into us or to investigate a strange noise or just to look around. The main difference though is that it’s easy to sleep in or take a nap the next day! That said, we still really notice it when Aaron is having a growth spurt as the all night cluster feedings return with a vengeance. Then neither of us is getting a good night’s sleep.

  2. It always amazed me that we undertake one of the most important things anybody can do – nurturing a brand new life – on NO SLEEP.

  3. and 8 months down the road, the error in that comment punctuates the fact that The Tired and The Fog don’t go away any time soon… : )

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