What I learned on my summer vacation

2 thoughts on “What I learned on my summer vacation”

  1. Yikes (re. hotel)… sucks that you had a shitty experience. My Hotwire rule (actually, my mom’s) is to always click that “4 star and up” option. We’ve had awesome Hotwire experiences, including an AMAZING hotel for 4 nights in San Fran for like $90/night (reg over $200) and my mom has ended up in the Pan Pacific, Hyatt and Sheraton Wall Center in Vancouver for less than $100/night.

    I’m wondering if it’s just a Montreal thing… with the drinking age at 18, we used to do “ski trips” there (as well as Quebec City) in high school pretty much just to get drunk for a week… although, for the record, I did ski, whereas most people did not leave the hotel unless it was to go to the bar.

    Otherwise, sounds like a great trip… the food especially 🙂

    1. Yah, I made the mistake of going with a 3.5 star (though it had all the amenities I’d wanted – pool, wifi, laundry, restaurant, and a 95% approval rating from other hotwire users). I’ve had plenty of great Hotwire experiences, but enough crap ones that I don’t like booking long stays with hotels I’ve never seen.

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