I appear to have broken the back end of my blog. Perhaps the latest wordpress update is to blame?
In any case, I’m writing this from my phone, where the wordpress app still seems to be ok (assuming I can actually publish this).
Any wordpress wizards want to point me in the direction of what I can/should do now?
And in the meantime, here is a picture of my dog for you to stare at.
Well, that worked from the phone, so it’s something about the web interface. I can get to the login page, but after logging in I get a ‘no data received’ error. So bizarre.
I’ve seen this before with a couple client websites. Had to go remove the plugins directory via FTP, then I could get back in. Although in my case, the front end failed as well, so not a true apples\ apples thing
When I first saw this I thought it said you broke the back end of your dog. Whoops.
Oh, been there. Jeremy’s on the right track, I think. If you have FTP or file/folder access to your site’s files (via something like yourdomain.com/cpanel) then you can rename folders and files in the plugins folder to things like (originalname.php.old)
Once you’ve done that, you should be able to log into your backend (why does that sound rude?) and if *that* works, you can start renaming individual plugins back to what they were before, and enabling them again.
Jeremy, Zen Render, thanks – I do still have full backend access to my site, just not to wordpress. So I’ll attempt to muck about with the plugins and hopefully that helps.
Riann – I’d probably be more upset if I’d broken the dog’s backend. It’s bad enough as is!