So it’s delurking week.
This means, COMMENT! Say hi if you read this. I promise I don’t bite!
Now I don’t expect something for nothing, so let’s say if I can get… 50 individual commentors to say hello on this entry, I’ll post something very special for all y’all. How’s that sound?
Ok now, hop to it!
Do you *REALLY* want to know that there are 50 anonymous strangers who occasionally pass by and read?
Well of course! According to my stats, there are about 1200 anonymous strangers that happen upon this site in any given month, so I figure at LEAST 50 of them can say hi!
yay! hello! 🙂
hey you lets do cocktails soon,
Here’s my contribution to your delurking operation.
Does this mean I am now a delurkee?
PS: Hi and Happy New Year
“something special” means nudity, right? 🙂
I lurk therefore i am.
You caught me, I’m a lurker. Your blog is funny that’s why I keep reading it!
Happy Go Lurky
Hi! But you already knew I was here 🙂
What Laura said 😉
lurker alert!!!
Again, not really de-lurking per se, but here!
Hello! yes im a lurker…only met you a couple times at chris and mel’s 🙂
yo bubba
uh-oh, i guess that means me too! hello!
Word. Peace out.
. . . now, with extra delurking enzyme!
Nothing new here…move on. 😉
Alright…do you wanna know how I first got here or how I end up here on a regular basis?
I am a friend of Davin, whose site led me to Sue’s, then Donna’s then yours…
And I keep coming back for the cute hair pictures…and to see how refreshing it is that there are at least some women in this world who don’t settle for men who aren’t worth it…
I think I comment regularly… dammit, I’m so bad at commenting I have to force myself every now and then to go through all my blogs and comment on them, only I never usually make it through. I hope I comment regularly enough. I’m here all the time 🙂
Hi 🙂
Hi. I have nothing clever to say.
1200??? Wowza! Hello hello. 😀
I confess I am a certified lurker …
Stumbled across your site a couple months ago and keep coming back for more – btw, fantastic URL!
Keep on blogging!
I prefer the term blogstalker to lurker, thanks 😉
I’ve visited numerous times, but don’t think I’ve ever commented.
This is the first, then, but I’m sure won’t be the last! 🙂
thanks for the xmas card, jen. it was muchly appreciated!
G’morning…or evening..or night…or just plain HI !
Hi Jen…I stop by every so often because you’re f#*king hilarious. I’m glad your life is easier with Ray gone but it made for some great content. Cheers.
I’m a virgin commentor but I love your dating stories – glad to see it’s not just me having the same experiences!! Perhaps we can compare notes – ha ha ha ha.
Here I am. Rock you like a hurricane.
I’m not actually here… I’m just a figment of your imagination.
once in a while… 🙂
Eek, I’m a day late, but de-lurking anyway! Hi there!! 🙂
I found you via Netchick, and I have to say that your blog is great.
Hi from Ontario… wish I was still in Vancouver 🙁
Huuhh? Whaa!? Whats going on? Im going back to sleep.
Hello! De-Lurking!
Hello. You’re hilarioius. And now I guess I have de-lurked.
de-lurking from france and not surprisingly have no idea how to say that in french 🙂
Hi! Happy Wednesday!
Interesting how this idea caught on so easily.. it has inspired me to give it a try.
I just have nothing special to give.
I’m hardly a lurker. More of a lech, I suppose.
Hi Peechie! As requested, a comment…..
Boo! Did I scare you?
The week’s almost over, but, well, here’s my comment! 🙂 I read the HTML version of your website (how old school of me) because…I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s just that I prefer looking at a designed website when reading about the tales about your roommates or dates you went on than the unadorned text of RSS.
hallo hallo…