
16 thoughts on “Phoney”

  1. are you sure about the buzzing people in part? we’ve had vonage now for quite a while and although i do remember there being some issue about hooking up the line to the buzzer, it definitely wasn’t a problem and i think just involved a call to the management company. of course i could be wrong, in which case disregard this comment. 😛

  2. My problem is that it won’t work during a power outage, whereas land lines will.

  3. wow. thanks for the detailed post on the pros and cons of home VoIP. Its hard to make these kinds of decisions when reading the propaganda crap from the companies offering the service.

  4. jen: I am, I checked with the building management. Older buzzer systems (my place is 20+ years) are hardwired into the telephone lines.

    Michael Johnson: Yah – that’s a pain, though since my cell phone will work during a power outage I’m ok with it. I haven’t had a corded phone in my house for years anyway.

    shnewt: you’re welcome!

  5. nice. Question… did you also research the Shaw telephone system? I hate the vonage ads, and just cant go there…. I would rather subscribe to my local oligopoly anyway. 😛

  6. I did check out the Shaw system. It works a little differently – kindof like Primus – just a resller who uses your original phone system, and their backend is all digital. They’re just offering a similar bundle to Vonage.

    I’m not sure how their voicemail stuff etc. works, but they’re not true VoIP. And as such, can’t offer me a reasonable rate for the usage I incur.

    They’re also not available yet in my area, even if I did want to go with them.

  7. Are you still using TELUS for ADSL service (to connect the Vonage into) or are you on Shaw (or someone else)?

    I’d love to eliminate at least *one* of the local monopolies out of my life; however, I need my ADSL and TELUS, being the jerks that they are, seems to charge you a lot more for things if you’re not bundling up your services with them. 🙁

  8. I’m with Shaw for TV/Internet. They too suck you in with the bundles, and I’m hopelessly addicted to my internet/television. However, now I’m telus-free, so one has been eliminated!

  9. a few notes from the east as i’ve been away from the internet most of this month so far:

    i bet you’re happy that theo got traded to colorado.

    george stroumboulopoulos broke the news to me.

    he also likes how my last name is only three letters long… to his seventeen.

    great umbrella. it says what everyone’s thinking, if everyone was thinking in french.

    and only in quebec can rrroll up the rim to win cause people to be so stupid. i hope that tim’s just sends the families 28 000$ worth of tim bits instead of a the s.u.v.

  10. brad: I saw that myself, and talked to some friends before switching. It turns out the “VoIP tax” hasn’t made it to BC yet, as nobody here’s been dinged with the extra fee.

    Shaw also responded and stated that it doesn’t just haphazardly charge people the “service enhancement fee”, instead it recommends customers pay it to get the most out of their VoIP service. In BC anyway, we can pay an extra $10/mo for “Xtreme Speed” internet – which is what I’m assuming they’re suggesting people with VoIP use.

    I don’t agree with their tactic – scaring the uninformed into paying extra – but I don’t believe it’s as shady a situation as Vonage is making it out to be.

  11. Does the referral have an expiry? I was planning on switching in the next 8 months or so. Feel free to refer me – I am working on being Telus-free. 😉

  12. unless something has changed drastically, shaw is in fact true voip. They will install a second (or perhaps fisrt) cable modem that that your phone connects to. This phone dedicated modem has a battery in it for those pesky power outages (I can’t remember the last one we had)

    BUT! They’re both far more expensive than SixTel!
    It’s not as plug and play, not as many fabulous features, and you do need to buy some hardware ($100.) but oh-so-cheap. I’ve been playing with it s bit, and it seems to work frighteningly well.

    Plus if you’re really hardcore and into ‘nix and asterisk and all that, the sky’s the limit.

  13. Interesting. Also.. aah asterisk.. oh the memories. That’s the product we used at CT in the bad ol’ days – and I’ve QA’d it to death.

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