Lost & Found

16 thoughts on “Lost & Found”

  1. Surely you can still do boyfriend stories. For instance, how does he handle his liquor 😉

    You can blog about what you’re doing this weekend, should be interesting.

  2. “…how does he handle his liquor.” Hear hear, the world needs to know! That said, we need to make sure that our observations are consistantly repeatable. I propose a series of scientific experiements to take place over the course of this weekend. I’ll bring materials, you bring the subject (and cameras) 🙂

  3. Chris: If anything blogworthy happens, I have officially called advance “dibs.”

    Tom: Perhaps you should ask “the subject” how I feel about the “Empirical System”…

  4. +1 to cleavage!

    You can have dibbs on anything of interest – most of my blogging is technical in nature so drinking stories don’t get much airplay. Now, had I blogged when I was in school, that’d be a different story – I (dimly) remember drawing graphs with friends on bar napkins. Nerdity!

  5. Boyfriend stories are super fun. It is intriguing since it seemed to me (though I’m not a long-time reader) that you just sprung him upon the readers. When you returned from Cayman, you were over at his place….

  6. chris/jen – actually it might be interesting to hear the same stories from different points of view. 😮

    this whole blogosphere is getting all incestuously twisty! or something. 😉

  7. Congrats! Boyfriends are fun! Except mine won’t let me blog about him and his little sister reads my blog sometimes so I can’t write anything fun!

  8. My boyfriend doesn’t read my blog. Plus he told me I *should* write about him (this was months ago though).

    Content = 1/Cleavage


  9. I want to hear drunk stories too – I say Chris posts about the first part of the night in question, and Jen posts about the rest 😉 Maybe the boyfriend will even weigh in when he gets his blog back up and running.

  10. Ya, I noticed the boyfriend’s blog was down… Darn! I love the he-said she-said kinda posts! My boy and I do that semi-regularily also (I say semi, because M just doesn’t post as much as I do) and that’s when we both get some of the best comments! 🙂

  11. i agree! boyfriend makes for lack of blog content. but hey, i was a little suspicious of the guy you kept mentioning.

    need more details!

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