It’s hot. Damn hot. My apartment is like an oven, and I am experiencing the woes of having such a hot apartment without a swimming pool to compensate (something I was naieve enough to underuse in my last apartment and therefore figured I could live without).
It doesn’t even cool down at night in here. Just keeps holding the heat in so it gets hotter and more uncomfortable each day. I even look forward to going to work, just so I can be in an air conditioned building (oh yah, and cuz I like my job).
And as it gets hotter and hotter, and harder and harder to sleep, and I swell from the heat to elephantine proportions, I get crankier and crankier and crankier. Is it too much to ask for to have a decent night’s sleep or somewhere to go and hide from the insane heat? Apparently so.
The huge bitch of it all though, is that I can’t even buy an air conditioner, because I don’t have any standard windows. I’ve got sliding glass doors throughout – which is great for light and the wraparound balcony, but useless for installing window features.
Does anyone have any suggestions for beating the heat? I’ve tried everything I can think of (cool shower/bath, drinking lots of water, cool compress on the back of the neck, a big fan) – and none of it is anywhere near adequate for the uncomfortable sweatshop I’m finding myself living in.
Jen, it’s all about the blender drinks. Use lots of ice.
I totally understand your pain. I beat the heat by keeping all the windows closed during the day and the blinds tightly shut. Close your blinds *upwards*. DO NOT LET ANY SUNLIGHT IN!
Then open your hallway door a crack or open any window you have in a shady area JUST A TINY BIT. Get your fan on full blast, with the back of the fan to the window/door so it is blowing fresh (even if it’s warm) air in.
DO NOT FULLY OPEN DOORS OR WINDOWS UNTIL NIGHT TIME! Seriously! When it cools down a bit and you have a little shade open all the windows and doors completely and let the cool air in for as long as possible. If you have any doors/windows you can leave open while you sleep, do it!
Also, a ceiling fan/light contraption is very handy and looks nicer than regular lighting anyway.
Worked for me! Good luck!
er.. the whole visit me thing.. 😉
hah.. that was my idea.. but i’ll one up it and offer beer 🙂
Get one of these, or something similar. You can get them pretty much anywhere – probably Zellers or Canadian Tire or wherever… One of my clients came in today with one and she let me try it. It was great 🙂
actually what i found most useful is opening all the windows and doors to your house and stripping down to your undies and an undershirt. this combined with a bunch of electric fans beats the heat! scary to the neighborhood kids tho.
solution: visit me and come swimming. 🙂