Bad Friend

5 thoughts on “Bad Friend”

  1. f-off. bad friend.
    kidding.. omg. if we were all bad friends for being busy.. well. we wouldn’t be friends!@
    but tha’s not the case. we all know that one phone call a year will keep simtown alive.

  2. i know it sounds lame but if you keep an organizer of any kind or even use a calendar in your email program, put these events in there! i totally write down “wish so and so a happy birthday” and “buy card” as part of my daily tasks and it actually works!

  3. silly jen. 🙂 i knew you wished me a happy birthday.. no worries. you’re not a bad friend. 😀

  4. No worries, Jen. If you don’t say anything about my birthday, I’ll be okay. However, if I’m an idiot and forget that my psychic mind vibes don’t reach other people… sorry. but you understand. 😉

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