Couch Potato

7 thoughts on “Couch Potato”

  1. It’s good to hear that you are enjoying the Couch to 5k podcasts. I downloaded them ages ago thinking I was going to get into jogging again but just haven’t got around to it. Going after work seems like the easy thing to do but maybe I should try the mornings because, like you, I generally eat dinner and then fall asleep on the couch watching TV. heh.

  2. I hate it when I forget to do the math and the internet eats my post. >:(

    I’m doing C25K too and I found the podcasts my first week. I love ’em for the same reasons you posted above.

    One thing I’ve found is that running outside is waaay harder than running on the treadmill. My first week 3 run on the treadmill I kept going after the second 3 minute interval and I ran for 7 minutes straight. I could have kept going but my time was up on the machine and I had to get off. My first week 3 run outside I couldn’t finish the second 3 minute interval because my ankle was starting to twinge. My goal is to keep going alternating with inside and outside runs to build endurance, but so far I’ve been terribly lazy and haven’t gotten around to it.

    I’m looking forward to reading about your experiences with the program, so please do update! 🙂

  3. As a runner, I’m always happy to read about the experiences of someone starting out. I would be thrilled if my running-loathing boyfriend would give it a try so I’ve been thinking lately about how one goes about starting running again!

    Like you, I totally love how the activity is on my own time. I mix it up with some group runs – all/many of the running stores have a mid-week and weekend group up should you want to drop in. And I also agree that morning workouts are the best… when I get around to doing them. It takes at least 10 times more willpower to get an afternoon one instead of heading straight home.

  4. That couch to 5K thing sounds awesome! Another great online running resource is – it uses Google maps and you draw out where you run on the map and it will tell you how far you ran – then add in your age, height, weight, etc. and it will tell you how many calories you burned (and thus how many cookies you now get to eat!).

    And I totally know what you mean about exercise making you ravenously hungry… I played hockey on Sunday and I’m *still* hungry!

  5. I always hated distance running. Still do. I think my physique and heavy legs don’t do it justice. But I love bicycling — I get farther, can commute to work, and get to coast on occasion. Swimming is good too, but takes too much prep and de-prep time.

    I’ve also never been one for group activities, only child that I am. Good luck with the runs!

    Uh, I should rephrase that.

  6. keep us updated — as soon as I manage to buy a pair of running shoes, I’ll be starting something similar… 🙂

  7. I started running (well huffing, puffing and stumbling along at a pace marginally faster than a walk) a few months ago. I actually quite enjoyed it up until a couple of weeks ago, now trying to get out of bed at sparrow’s fart when I’m all toasty and warm and it’s so frosty outside is proving difficult. Your post has made me determined to redouble my efforts AND to search out some podcasts for my jog!

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