Errrr….. hi?

8 thoughts on “Errrr….. hi?”

  1. No apologies necessary. No justification required. It’s your blog – write what you want, when you want.

  2. Good question. Sue’s answer is almost certainly the right one, but I’d like to see what other people say. I’m in the same boat 🙂
    .-= Chris´s last blog ..Weather woes =-.

  3. I’m in the same boat too, but for a longer period of time. Let us know what you discover! 🙂

  4. I don’t remember reading a “I will post X times a month” contract, nor do I remember paying anything for said posts…

    Personally, I find the meta-posts about posting more annoying than the silence, but again, it’s not my blog — if I don’t like it, I can fuck off. 🙂

  5. Yep it’s your journal, write or don’t write as often as you please 🙂

    I enjoy not writing anything for months and then catching up like this in bullet point form:
    -chiang mai was fun times
    -snowshoeing was fun times
    -the dog ate the door

  6. Now that I’m at a distance, I look forward to reading everyone’s blog to keep in the loop. I’m so glad to see you writing again, and look forward to seeing you in a few weeks in person at the wedding 🙂

    Write when you like! Hell, I’ll take what I can get!
    .-= Tanya aka @netchick´s last blog ..Quietly stressing =-.

  7. I’ve always said to myself that I’ll never write a “Sorry I haven’t posted in so long” entry (as far as I know, I haven’t). I may write a “won’t be posting for awhile” if I know about it in advance, but generally I think an apology for not posting serves no purpose.

    Write when you do, about whatever you’re interested in, and don’t worry about it. Anyone who thinks they NEED an apology from you has bigger problems.
    .-= Derek K. Miller´s last blog ..Replacing Blogger: Movable Type vs. WordPress =-.

  8. Don’t misunderstand me – I have ZERO guilt about not posting. It’s not an apology in any sense.

    But I am curious about whether or not it’s strange to launch back into things without acknowledging an absence on the blog, or whether to just keep going as if nothing happened.

    Is the blog a distant acquaintance where some “wow, it’s been forever!” colloquialisms are required before sharing stories, or is it that ages old friend where picking up exactly where you left of is SOP?

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