Brown Note

7 thoughts on “Brown Note”

  1. If only all their delivery guys were that nice. Most of my experience with them involves them “attempting” to deliver packages they don’t even bother to get off the truck. We’ve actually seen them doing it too, not just guessing here.

    1. ugh. we’ve had a Canada Post delivery guy do the same thing at our office. he didn’t want to carry a tiny box (a wee router) up to the office (and said as much to our receptionist!), so it was sent to a local outlet for pickup. dorks.

  2. It is gestures like that which makes peoples days just a little but nicer, and something personal that we have lost in today’s customer service. It gives me hope and makes me think brown.

    1. Aah yes – these were both domestic shipments. I’ve dealt with the pain of UPS for cross-border shipping before. In that case it’s FedEx all the way for me.

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