Christmas Lexicon: A rant of sorts

3 thoughts on “Christmas Lexicon: A rant of sorts”

  1. Huh. I can quite honestly say that I’ve never wondered when the 12 days of Christmas are, or heard anyone pin them down to a specific date, before or after Christmas day.

    1. We’re getting into the stretch now where media and retailers start their “12-days of XXX” promotions, as a countdown to Christmas. And it drives me batty, every year.

  2. The getting the 12 days of Xmas starting point wrong has nagged at me a bit too, but on the list of what bugs me about advertisers it’s kind of low, what with all the grammatical mistakes and them generally being knobs. Despite knowing for a long time about “Little Christmas” in January I’ve always been too burned out from the holiday season to bother with it. Plus Mom never got me anything for it, since I got pretty much all my toys for the year in December (what with the birthday that month too).
    I may celebrate the Bob and Doug McKenzie version, however… a beeeeeeeer in a tree.

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