2013: a little more conversation, a little more action.

6 thoughts on “2013: a little more conversation, a little more action.”

  1. THIS. So. Much.

    I once heard Brene Brown (a researcher on vulnerability) give a TEDxHouston talk where she said (I think the talk is titled “The power of vulnerability”) that the motto of social work was “Lean into the discomfort of the work”. I think she means it as “if you do social work, you can’t shy away – you need to lean in”.

    You will achieve great things this 2013, my friend. I can assure you of that.

  2. Thanks guys. It feels funny to say I feel like I haven’t done much, considering the HUGE changes we’ve made in the last couple years. But I really feel like all the smaller things are suffering. Except the smaller things I’m neglecting pile up into bigger things. Which seems to be a lesson I learn over and over 😉

  3. +1. Amazon has a leadership principle, “Bias Towards Action”, which I’ve been trying to incorporate into my daily life.

  4. Exactly! Every day I tell myself I can do “x” when the boys go to bed, and every night Im exhausted by 8pm and never get anything done besides housework. Ive been working on a painting for 4 months- Ive worked on it maybe three times. Pursuing hobbies, making new friends, keeping old ones, going out of the house in the evening, all things I need to stop waiting for time/energy to do and just do them!

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