For once I actually hauled my butt out of bed, and got to work at 7:00am. I had to do it, because I made a hair appointment for 3:30 – but I just feel like such a moron for all the snoozing I’ve done the past few mornings, and not getting in to work until 8:30. It’s not all that bad once I’m up, I’ve just gotta do it.
Brian and I gave the BBQ its innagural run last night. Worked like a charm 🙂 Except I need to go invest in a wire brush (oops) and rescue my BBQ tool set from his house. This morning I am extremely bloated from the meat (wings & steak) and Stella, but I did manage to hold off on the ice cream. We got half a pineapple instead (my new favourite fruit).
After the BBQing watched 50 First Dates. Very Adam Sandler. Very cute. I’m consistently amazed at the chemistry he and Drew Barrymore have onscreen. It’s a wonder that they’re not married.
Overall, a pleasant evening. The bitterness and angst has subsided 🙂
ps. I’m halfway to my fundraising goal for the Weekend to End Breast Cancer! Wanna help get me the rest of the way?