Can I get an A-men?

6 thoughts on “Can I get an A-men?”

  1. I was raised as a member of the United Church and attended services and summer camps until about age 14. While my memories of the services are a bit foggy, my overall recollection is that the United Church focuses on one’s faith and relationship with God and not so much on limiting your lifestyle issues. On the Christian spectrum it’s possibly the most liberal and “self-oriented”… by which I mean the goal of a good United Church member is to build a relationship between herself and God that brings meaning and direction to life. I can definitely dig that.

  2. I was on a literal quest for organized faith by the time I turned 10. In no particular order, I attended many, many gatherings for: United, Baptist, Pentecostal, Mormon, Anglican, Catholic, Presbyterian, JoHos, and others which I didn’t spend as long at. I gave each a solid effort (over 6 months, and sometimes years), and finally decided at 20 that although I was spiritual, I definitely did not fit into any organized religion. Upon further reflection, I decided that for me, these religions left a bad taste in my mouth for many reasons I won’t get into here.

    That’s not to say I do not respect other’s choice to practice any religion, simply that it certainly doesn’t fit for me.

    If you want my two cents worth, it sounds like you would fit into the Anglican religion with the belief structure you have.

  3. Having grown up Anglican, I can safely say that they’re pretty darn conservative. Based on what I know about you, and what I’ve read here, I’m totally agreeing with you about the United Church, Jen. I teeter between United and Unitarian myself, so if you find a decent United church, let me know, and I’ll join you one Sunday.

  4. NetChick: Have you tried a non-christian religion? You list of many different sects, but all are much more closely related to each other than to any different religion. There are many approaches to spirituality that do not involve Jesus. Deism, for instance, is of particular appeal to me. I consider myself an atheistic agnostic Deist, in fact – I don’t know if there is a god, but if there is, I think he/she’d be the Deist view of god.

    (the ‘atheistic’ part is out front because if I had to choose, I would say that no, there is no god)

  5. Very honest and genuine post. I wish you well. Have you thought about exploring UU? Unitarian Universalism? Many Catholics find it a welcoming place.

  6. I have considered Unitarianism, but it seems to lack the “God” part of things. If I wanted to attend a philosopher’s cafe, I’d do that. But I prefer my church to be a bit more “Churchy.” Just my own personal preference.

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