Parenting, Family, etc.

This is what it means to have a family: diapering, cleaning, bedtime stories, untold drinks of water at bedtime, cooking, homework supervision/assistance, school drop off and pickup, daycare drop off and pick up, scheduling play dates (including hosting play dates), comforting and conflict resolution. If you aren’t willing to do those things, why the hell … Continue reading Parenting, Family, etc.

The Curse of the Roll-up

I have been tempting the fates with my Timmy’s purchases, since it’s the most convenient coffee stop on the way to work. BUT NO MORE! Not until the damn Roll-Up contest is done. So far I haven’t won anything in this year’s campaign. But the other day, Neil’s cup won a donut. And look what … Continue reading The Curse of the Roll-up

Splendid Thing: Timehop

What were you doing a year ago? Thanks to Timehop, if you asked me, I could probably tell you. Timehop isn’t particularly complicated. It’s a simple little web service you hook up to your social accounts, and every day it emails you a log of the things you posted a year ago on that date. … Continue reading Splendid Thing: Timehop

For Sale

Because one successful week back at work full-time is reason enough to shake things up yet again, we’ve decided to sell our condo. The volatility of the Vancouver real estate market has been bugging Neil and I for a while. And even though we still fit in our current place (just), and there are no … Continue reading For Sale

Isaac O’Watkiss

I have a couple half-done posts in the hopper about our trip to Cuba last month, and how things are going now that I’m back at work full-time (spoiler: pretty good!). But I’m tired, and busy, and tired. And they have been difficult to finish. Then, as I was lamenting my lack of posting, I … Continue reading Isaac O’Watkiss