
Ola Mi Amigos! It’s audience participation time! This guy I was out with the other night? Apparently I need to go all Sherlock Holmes on him and start asking questions. I have been informed that I need to Find. Things. Out! Problem is, I totally suck at that. I’m a big fan of just talking … Continue reading Participaction


Not that this has any bearing on my life whatsoever at the moment, but I have a question for all y’all: Is it still expected that a guy will ask a girl’s father’s permission before asking her to marry him? I know there are plenty of women who don’t have that kind of relationship with … Continue reading Question

Decision Time

Valentine’s Day is coming up. I’ve never been single going into it before (I was dumped V-Day afternoon once, but we don’t talk about that). Unless I run into the love of my life within the next 11 days, I’m pretty sure I’ll still be single when it rolls around. I’m not quite sure what … Continue reading Decision Time

Up n Down

I’ve been debating over what to write lately – everything I think of seems to be either very mundane, or very whiney. I figure my readers don’t need to hear about either of those – but how about both! mundanities I had a pretty quiet weekend. Friday evening was spent out with friends playing Carcassonne … Continue reading Up n Down