Decision Time

Valentine’s Day is coming up. I’ve never been single going into it before (I was dumped V-Day afternoon once, but we don’t talk about that). Unless I run into the love of my life within the next 11 days, I’m pretty sure I’ll still be single when it rolls around. I’m not quite sure what … Continue reading Decision Time

Up n Down

I’ve been debating over what to write lately – everything I think of seems to be either very mundane, or very whiney. I figure my readers don’t need to hear about either of those – but how about both! mundanities I had a pretty quiet weekend. Friday evening was spent out with friends playing Carcassonne … Continue reading Up n Down


I was saving this for a day where it actually meant something – but I felt like just posting it already. My brilliant metaphor. Boys – pay attention. I came up with this one for a guy friend, and I think the analogy finally made him realize what exatly was going on, and why he … Continue reading Tidbit


When you’ve been on two casual dates with someone (1 coffee, 1 lunch), have not yet broken the kiss threshold, and don’t even have their telephone number (email/msn correspondence only so far), is it appropriate to “dump” them via email? Continue reading Question:


When you’re one of those people who loves so readily and fully and deeply; when you’ve been in love so often before; how do you distinguish the “now” feelings from the “forever” ones? Or are they alll the same – with the one subtle difference of timing? Continue reading When?


I have come to the conclusion that there are only two kinds of dates. Good ones, and Bad ones. And I just had a “good one” and it’s making me smile more than it probably should. And I’m ok with that. But if you know me, you should call me sometime this Monday to Wednesday … Continue reading Polarity

Hey Mr. DJ

An Open Letter to the Five “big” local FM stations: Dear DJs, Can we stop with the sad songs each and every song all day long today? Even the rock station is playing weepy Emo songs. And when the country station is starting to sound the most optimistic – well there’s a problem. I’ve really … Continue reading Hey Mr. DJ

Kiss Off

Preamble: watching Friday Night Lights, pondering the trials and tribulations (and memories) of living in a small town where the biggest goal is getting out (and also lusting after Tim McGraw), in a disgustingly popular movie theatre, where miraculously, it is less than 25% full and nobody is being annoying… yet…

(unspoken thoughts italicized in parentheses)

Her: Engrossed in movie
Him: “blah blah something something”
rinse and repeat 3 times or until thoroughlly peeved

Her: Engrossed in movie
Him: “blah blah something else”
Her: “SHHH!!!”
15 minutes later…
Her: Just getting back into movie
Him: “blah blah something something”
Her: (DIE.)

Fast Forward to car ride home…
Continue reading “Kiss Off”


Eric writes about the emergence of going hunting in pairs – one man and one woman – to get a better “in” with the opposite sex. This plan has always backfired for me (as someone with a lot of male friends, I know all too well how much this doesn’t work). But good on anyone who can make it fly.

The part I’m more interested in though, is his commentary at the end re: Hot girls’ annoying friends. My question is this: Is the annoying quotient of said girl’s friends directly proportionate to her hotness? I’ve got some really annoying friends, and am hoping that those odds stack up in my favour.
Continue reading “Wing-person”


I forgot how much a date can feel like an audition or a job interview. And I was just not on my game tonight. Mostly because I’m tired and cranky. I did get flowers though, which makes me smile 🙂 And I don’t think he thought I suck entirely – so perhaps we can try … Continue reading Next!