Collect All Six

That’s what the can says on the little Coca Cola Olympic Polar Bear on my desk. It has nothing to do with anything. It’s really, obscenely difficult to find a family doctor ’round these parts. Apparently doctors are only accepting new pregnant patients, and if you are with child then they’d be happy to book … Continue reading Collect All Six


It’s a slow week at work. Next week I’m in another training module, but today and tomorrow are exercises in “looking busy.” I’ve been refreshing my RSS reader like a mad-person. Nobody is updating. The only feed that’s showing new content is a not-safe-for-work blog. I wonder how much longer until I crack and read … Continue reading Temptation

Babies of the 80’s

Went out to 80’s night at Shine last night. Funky little club. Well-stocked and almost reasonably priced premium liquors. The DJs were decidedly unenthusiastic and seemed to have a lot of trouble matching beats and keeping the playlist flowing – but I don’t usually expect a lot from DJs in this city anyway. My major … Continue reading Babies of the 80’s

Brick Wall

I have officially dubbed 2005 The Year of the Obstacle. Seriously, every time I try to do something these days, I run into some sort of wall that I’ve got to find a way around, over, under, whatever. January 1: Hard Drive Fails (on the first day after the warranty expires too…) January 2: Attempt … Continue reading Brick Wall

Take it Easy

I don’t have a problem with the whole Boxing Day Week Shopping Extravaganza. I can choose to participate or not, as I see fit. But seriously people – do you have to run out and buy the stores out of EVERYTHING? All I wanted was a couple of basic dishcloths. Mine were lookin’ a little … Continue reading Take it Easy


Zen has returned. I have accepted the fact that it is now completely and entirely beyond my control to get any of those “things that must be finished” done. They’re just not going to happen. Oh well. Instead of stressing about it, I’m going to go out for dinner tonight, and forget that the problems … Continue reading acceptance

Hi. I am in full on “time to freak right the fuck out mode.” It’s time to recognize that there are a few things that just will. not. get. done. Have I mentioned I’m a bit of a perfectionist? And a worrier? Hold me. Update (11:24am): Just been informed that we get a half-day off … Continue reading