
Aah.. my massage yesterday was soooo good. Not as good as it could have been, since I ended up with my 2nd choice for massage therapists – but good nonetheless. I even actually slept all the way through the night – UNHEARD OF. Except it messed me up a little in the morning when I … Continue reading Ohmm

3 Cup Morning

I actually managed to get up at a reasonable hour today, and get into work early. What can I say, a 4pm massage appointment is a powerful motivator. I’ve been here for an hour and a half so far, and haven’t gotten *anything* done. Well, that’s not entirely true. I deal with contracts, and it’s … Continue reading 3 Cup Morning

Dear December,

I don’t ask for much – In fact, I love December! Next to July it’s my favourite month! Well, truth be told, it’s very much close to a tie. The only thing July has on you December is my birthday. Anyway, I just wanted to ask you a teensy, tiny favour dear December. Could you … Continue reading Dear December,

Those People

You know what I can’t stand? Those people who disagree with absolutely everything you say just because they can. More than half the time, they don’t even disagree with your idea or the topic in general – but they’ll find a way to say the same thing differently enough so that it sounds like they’re … Continue reading Those People


I managed to burn myself, again, on the oven the other day. I think the bulk of this year’s holiday donations are going to the War Amps. I’ve got a feeling I’m going to need them someday soon…. Also, thanks to my buddy Eric for drawing my attention to the fact that I need to … Continue reading Bass-Ackwards

Brain Fart

Some days I seriously doubt my ability to do my job. Funny thing though, it’s not because I don’t believe I’m smart enough – it’s because I’m too smart. On these kind of days, I tend to view the entire system as flawed, and counter-intuitive, and I can’t dumb myself down enough to plod along … Continue reading Brain Fart

Things that Suck

Warning: Pointless bitching ahead. Feel free to skip this one.

Not that things have been particularly bad, but they haven’t exactly been faboo lately either. I just seem to be on a bit of a streak of less than great luck with things these days and feel the need to have a short piss & moan session, and put them out to the universe in general as a formal notice of my complaint with the situation.

So without further ado, a general list of things that suck in my world lately:
Continue reading “Things that Suck”


I am now thoroughly and utterly distraught. I’m posting this from my roommate’s computer, since I am an idiot, and broke the stupid ethernet dongle off IN THE FUCKING CARD on my laptop. I am obviously an idiot. So now I have one computer that doesn’t work at all, and another that can’t connect to … Continue reading *sob*

PJ Day

And lo, I have dubbed this, the sixth Day of November in the year two thousand and four, official Pyjamma Day. This is a day wherein I will endeavor to spend the next 24 hours (at least) in my pyjammas, doing as little productive work as possible. I have been busy, yo! I am all … Continue reading PJ Day

Drip Drip Drip

Does any of this sound familiar to some of my fellow “Wet Coast” residents? But the very worst part? The way people drive here in the rain. Ninety percent of the drivers seem to fall into one of two categories: (1) the “drive 20 mph over the speed limit like you would any other day, … Continue reading Drip Drip Drip