Head, meet Desk

I am slowly realizing why I’m not getting any bites on the job front. I am kindof an idiot. I believe I’ve made some sort of formatting or spelling mistake on every. single. application I’ve sent out. In a list, I’ve used a dash, then colons (I should’ve gone with one or the other). I’ve … Continue reading Head, meet Desk

Dear Blogland

I could certainly use a bit of a pick-me-up today. So I ask you, blogiverse, to indulge me in my wee pity party, while I present to you a list of things that suck today: I am still jobless. Not only that, but of the dozen or so applications I’ve sent out, I’ve received exactly … Continue reading Dear Blogland


Two loaves of homemade whole wheat bread (no, I don’t own a breadmaker). One batch of brownies. Two loaves of banana bread. Two sparkling bathrooms. One 90-minutes-of-prep/cooking Moroccan feast for two. Countless loads of laundry. Hours of happy dog walks. Three-point-seven-five days of unemployment. Five job openings sitting in open browser tabs, waiting for me … Continue reading Paralyzer

Trip recap

I suppose I said I’d share the details of the trip, and fast-fading as they are, now is as good a time as any. However I am still tired from the jetlag, further compounded by some various and sundry other illnesses that I picked up on the plane. So a brief summary will have to … Continue reading Trip recap


I was about to leave the house this morning, when my home phone rang. It rarely does this (since the only folks who have it are telemarketers), and even more rare is it ringing in the morning. So I answered. On the other end of the line was a gentelman from my bank, Coast Capital … Continue reading Violated!


I’ll admit, I haven’t exactly been feeling the Christmas Spirit the past little while. Yes, we have the tree, and lights, and carols and parties galore! Not to mention, we’re young, in love, and engaged! Despite all that, things just haven’t been… cheery. This morning over our usual Coffee and Breakfast TV in Bed, Neil … Continue reading Grinchified


Snow awesomeness: skiing & boarding! Snowball fights! Snow days from work! Snow not-so-awesomeness: the cold! The bad drivers! The endless slushy muck! did I mention the cold?!? Holy hell Batman, there’s a reason I don’t live in Toronto, or Edmonton, or Montreal, or Juneau. This perpetual blizzardiness can just feel free to fuck right off … Continue reading Brr


I’ve totally backdated this entry to yesterday, when I meant to post it, except my not-so-hot hosting company took the entire server offline to backup a failing drive. I definitely expended more energy fretting about my lack of blogging ability than it takes to write an entry anyway, so I don’t think I should be … Continue reading NaBloPo-MOFO

Crapping Hell

I was all ready to share a great “Snow Day” video of me and the dog in the park. Unfortunately for you, I got sick of waiting for both Google Video and YouTube to stop being assholes. That didn’t happen before I ran out of patience, so no video for you. Hope you enjoyed the … Continue reading Crapping Hell

Mussel Man

One of the culinary frontiers I hadn’t explored until today was shellfish. I don’t mean eating (I’m an old pro at that one), I mean preparing in my own kitchen. I doubt I would’ve made it there, had I not possessed an excess of wine in the fridge that needed to be cooked with. (Wine … Continue reading Mussel Man

Piece of Shit Car

I want to give you a good car-life, I really, really do! I got you inspected before buying you a little over a year ago, and other than that seemingly small pulley issue that the dealership said they’d fixed, you checked out A-ok. Well today marked the day I paid more in repairs for you, … Continue reading Piece of Shit Car


Jonathan posted on Metroblogging Vancouver yesterday regarding his opinion on having a dog in an apartment building. Vancouver’s no-pets-in-the-building policy is probably a good thing. If people want a dog, they should at least have a house with a yard or public park across the street. It’s an opinion I hear a lot from people … Continue reading Dog-gonit

Home Run

Much to my surprise, I received a call from friendly Kurt at the Home Depot on Sunday afternoon (a customer service call on a Sunday!). I calmly and rationally explained my experience, and told Kurt my major disappointment was in the fact that they couldn’t do a straight exchange for the item, requiring me to … Continue reading Home Run