
I don’t know where, when, or why the decision was made. But I don’t like it. I feel betrayed. Abandoned. Deceived. I didn’t need to be consulted. But at least a little warning, and perhaps an explanation would be appreciated. How could you just rip something like that away from me without as much as … Continue reading Tragedy


I am nonspecifically cranky. Perhaps it’s the mountain of unfolded laundry. Perhaps it’s the state of mess this place is in (a product, I should note, significantly of my own doing). Perhaps it’s stress from the amount of change I’ve experienced over the past few weeks. Perhaps it’s a side effect of the headache I’ve … Continue reading Blargh


Hello. My you look lovely today! Your hair is so shiny, and have you lost weight? I know. I haven’t updated in a while, so here’s a summation life in recent days, in bullet points, since nothing has been exciting enough to write about on its own: Unpacking is FINALLY finished. We’ve purged and scrubbed … Continue reading Bullet

Mooooooooovin on up

Today is finally (FINALLY!) the last day I’m going to move my things out of my Burnaby apartment and into the new place. The gorgeous new place in Kitsilano, mere blocks from the beach, with the gigantic deck and the friendly neighbours and the fact that nearly everyone in the building owns a dog, including … Continue reading Mooooooooovin on up


Work is currently devouring my soul. And all of my time. Instead of providing any real content I shall ask you, dear readers, to share your favourite way to de-stress. Ready? Go. Continue reading Kaboom


While I think it would be pretty great to get a free multimedia phone, I’ve been firmly pushed into the same camp as Darren and Boris on their hatred of the Matchstick annoyance factor. I was contacted very early on with the Matchstick promotion. I received a comment on my “about” page way back on … Continue reading Match-Stuck


Sue wants to know what’s eating Gilbert Grape me lately – here’s the reader’s digest version of some things that have pissed me off in the last week: 1. People who assume any squatting dog is taking a crap. The Stepdog is a girl. Girl dogs squat to pee. It’s a slightly different squat than … Continue reading Shitlist

And on and on

I have yet to get a decent night’s sleep since before I left for Korea. I have a lot of work to do as the busy Spelunking season gets fully underway. I have a very important test to write in just under 3 weeks. I don’t feel like I’m making progress on any of those … Continue reading And on and on


I hate coming home from vacation. Duh. Doesn’t everyone? But really, I was totally ready to come home. You know a vacation’s just long enough when at the end of it, you’re really excited to see your home and stuff and sleep in your own bed (FYI: the hotel beds in Korea are HORRIBLE). Thing … Continue reading Iffy

Lost & Found

Are you all gossipping about me yet? Are you whispering amongst yourselves, wondering where the dating stories have gone, and who this mysterious “boy” is whose presence I’ve mentioned a few times? Or do you just not give a damn? Because the comments have been veeeeeery quiet of late. I will tell you this much: … Continue reading Lost & Found


Time Zones man. Total Buzzkill. So I made it home, safe and sound, though I have decided that I LOATHE both Miami International and Pearson International airports. And the free Rum Punch on Cayman Airways is something all airlines should aspire to offer. So I arrived in Vancouver at about 10pm last night (which is … Continue reading Sprung

Bad Marketing

Diet Pepsi’s new Brown & Bubbly schtick isn’t going over so well with me. For someone who’s a lifelong sufferer of IBS, the phrase brings up thoughts of anything BUT (no pun intended) diet soda. I’m just sayin’… Continue reading Bad Marketing