Dragon Breath

With the bathroom renovations still underway (we’re now at day 26 and counting…), my morning routine has been all over the place. More than once I’ve gotten into the shower, only to remember 2 seconds too late that my towels are still hanging on the rack in the den. Since I have no mirror in … Continue reading Dragon Breath

Sound the Alarm!

As I was perusing the morning blogroll, I read something very disturbing on La Coquette’s latest post Discover Miami International Airport is not equipped with wireless internet. WHAT. THE. HELL. Am not amused. Any Miami-ites out there wanna direct me to some wireless internet in the damn city? And while you’re at it, is a … Continue reading Sound the Alarm!


I bet y’all thought I took off on that vacation already didn’tcha? I wish. I mean, I haven’t posted in a few days, and stopped taking pictures of my bathroom renovation (which of course must be done by now, right?) – so it stands to reason that you’d think I was gone. Not so much. … Continue reading RenohNO

Product Placement

You know, I’ve become familiar with some stuff not really working up to what I think its full potential should be. My digital camera is small, sturdy, and is capable of taking some great pictures. However, it doesn’t do close-ups well at all. I forgive it for that small transgression. My sunglasses occasionally hurt my … Continue reading Product Placement


I have a memorial service to go to next week and I’m in the process of finding a charitable organization to make a donation to, in lieu of (which will actually be in addition to, because that’s just what I do) flowers. Thankfully, it’s been a while since I’ve had a memorial or funeral to … Continue reading Dona-Shunned

Special Talent

One thing that makes it really easy for me to come up with the Ridiculously High Standards is the fact that while some women make excuses for why they should stay with someone, I am unequalled in my ability to talk myself out of any potential dating/relationship scenario. I can go from naming babies and … Continue reading Special Talent

Left Cold

yellow Originally uploaded by peechie. I went to see Coldplay’s first of two shows at GM Place last night. To say I was disappointed is an understatement. I’m trying not to be a concert snob about the whole thing, but I see a lot of concerts, and I know pretty well what most venues in … Continue reading Left Cold

Reason #987134

Why I need to be rid of my damn roommate. I just got out of the shower (yes, at 2:48pm.. it’s vacation!). I am covered in lotion that is absorbing. I am thirsty. I can either get my robe all sticky and gooey with lotion remnants, and go get some water, or sit here and … Continue reading Reason #987134

Tabulated Results

Thanks to everyone who commented on the last entry. It seems clear that Ray should indeed foot the entire bill for refinishing the room. So I had a painter in for an estimate today. The verdict: $200. Coincidentally, the exact amount of Ray’s deposit. How serendipitous. The painter didn’t even know beforehand! So now Ray … Continue reading Tabulated Results


I have recently discovered that if someone says “you’re such a great catch” (occasionally preceeded by “I don’t know why you’re single, because…) I am likely to be overcome with an insatiable urge to cause them bodily harm. That is all. Carry on. Continue reading Trigger

The Drop Off

Ever since reading He’s Just Not That Into You I’ve been pretty blase about guys who don’t call back. Virtually everyone I’ve dated in the past year has just “stopped calling” at some point (a few because I ripped them apart on the world wide web and they took the hint), and it was all … Continue reading The Drop Off

Drip Drip Drop

Why is it that the first day my car’s outta commission and I can’t work from home so I have to take the peasant wagon (read: mass transit) to work it starts to rain and doens’t look like it’ll stop any time soon? Three point five more days until eleven off. P.S. I’m not actually … Continue reading Drip Drip Drop