Phew. Blog Fixed. And it took me all of three seconds. Too bad I was at work all day, and didn’t have any of my ftp login information with me to fix it before now. Seems what happened was when my host upgraded their php and mySQL whatchamacallit, my under construction page (handily called index.html) … Continue reading FIXINATED!


It’s come to my attention that I have about eleventy-trillion emails sitting in my inbox. I’m sorry. I’ve been all preoccupied with this being on death’s door crap. If I’m supposed to be getting back to you, I will, I promise. Just give me a few more days (oh lord please don’t let me feel … Continue reading Incommunicado

Feed Me!

My feed isn’t showing as updated in Bloglines. Whyfor? Is anyone else noticing that the last available post from me on there is from March 7th? (That’s like asking you to raise your hand if you’re absent – I know.) Most importantly – how do I fix it? Continue reading Feed Me!


Welcome everyone, to the WorldWideWaterCooler. I saw this phrase somewhere before (and if I could remember, I’d credit the source), and it seemed to really fit my style of blogging. I tend to post stuff that I’d talk to colleagues about around the water cooler if I actually liked anyone I work with (kidding colleagues! … Continue reading Welcome!

Categorically Speaking

I’ve decided to suck it up and add categories to the blog. The only reason they hadn’t been here earlier is sheer laziness, so I’ll try them for a while and see how it goes. It was brought up in conversation the other day that there’s a preconceived notion among some male-folk I know that … Continue reading Categorically Speaking


Yah, so I got sick of that other design. I wanted something simpler that focused more on the words and less on a lot of graphics. But I broke the comments. For some reason, the rest of the “Post a Comment” section has disappeared. All I did was copy the default templates back in from … Continue reading New

Turkey Lurkey

Happy Thanksgiving shout outs to all my brothers and sisters south of the 49th. Special thanks for y’all not going too crazy at the airports last night, so my dad could get home from LA with a minimum of incident. It’s a ridiculously beautiful autumn day here – I wonder if I claimed to be … Continue reading Turkey Lurkey

Charge It

I am going to die broke, with a fabulous library. Inspired by this article (courtesy of one Mr. Barefoot) I purchased both Rebel Sell, and Rabbit, Run. This is in addition to yesterday’s purchase of Shopaholic and Sister – though I purchased that as an ebook (much less expensive than the hardcover that’s available right … Continue reading Charge It


I just realized that I had no content for October 2nd. It’s now 9:15pm on October 23rd, and I’m totally manipulating the date on this post so I have content for that one day of the month I missed. First person to notice this and comment on it, gets a free drink from me. Good … Continue reading Filler