I found this thing courtesy of eric, so now I can spy on you all. Continue reading re_invigorate
Occasional musings from a Left-coast Canadian ExPat in Oxford.
I found this thing courtesy of eric, so now I can spy on you all. Continue reading re_invigorate
I’ve only got a few minutes, so I”ll try to make this short and sweet. Donna and I went off to theatresports tonight and saw Improv-ivor – a theatresports version of Survivor. Set on Granville Thai-land no less! Good times, Good times! My only complaint was that Daniel (my fav. theatresports personality) was voted off … Continue reading voted off the island
The Darling Donna seems to be in a very giving mood lately (well, she’s always giving, so more giving than usual) and has graciously given me my very own MT blog and domain! I guess now I’ll get to learn movable type – so bear with me! Continue reading The New Me