Blogathon 44 -3:30

This is getting really, really hard. I am trying to go to my “happy place.” For me, that place thinking about travel. I’ve been fortunate to have taken some fantastic trips to various places in the world. London, Korea, Morocco, Grand Cayman, New York, Las Vegas. Our next major trip is slated to be to … Continue reading Blogathon 44 -3:30

Blogathon 42 – 2:30

Top 10 things I love about Tanya. Written at her sleep-deprived request. 10. She has excellent taste in friends 😉 9. She’s not afraid to be a girly-girl 8. She constantly strives for improvement 7. She doesn’t understand the concept of “can’t” 6. She doesn’t settle 5. She’ll put up with a nutter blogging into … Continue reading Blogathon 42 – 2:30

Blogathon 40 – 1:30

One of the best stand-up comedy bits I’ve ever heard is an Irish comedian “complaining” about his girlfriend. She snores. “Oh, but don’t I sound like a kitten, purring?” “Aww. Bless. No. You sound like a cat, drownin’ in oatmeal!” *cue sound effect of comedian making “cat drowning in oatmeal” noises* Tanya snores. Ever so … Continue reading Blogathon 40 – 1:30

Blogathon 38 – 0:30

And speaking of Barry, he sent this over (to ease the burden on my rapidly deteriorating mind) after staying up late (he’s 2 time-zones ahead) for no good reason at all! Vive la difference! As a certified “prairie boy” I have had ample opportunity to observe what I like to call “plainsbillies” – hillbillies without … Continue reading Blogathon 38 – 0:30