Bottles & Bangers

I went to a wine tasting last night (oh god, I’m becoming one of those people) and just wanted to do a little brain dump on some of the notables: Stickleback White (Semillon, Chardonnay, Verdelho): it’s being marketed as “Fresh Crisp Zesty” and that’s exactly what this wine is. Stands up well to extreme chilling, … Continue reading Bottles & Bangers


Q: How do you know you’re really hungry? A: When the people at the sushi place give you two sets of chopsticks for the take-out you ordered just for yourself. Continue reading Dinner


Check it out, the top 50 things every foodie should do! Admittedly, I haven’t done many of them. Mine include: 3) Dismember a chicken – not as difficult as it looks. The secret is having a really kickass cleaver and a good, strong, unapologetic chop! 13) Learn how to make a dry martini – the … Continue reading Foodie


I just went for Indian buffet for lunch. Now I’m ready to pass out from a butter chicken coma, and so bloated I may have to undo my pants (which is saying a lot, because these pants already happen to be a smidge too big). But it hurts sooooooo goooood. Continue reading Pig.


I had a steak so good last night, I dreamt about it. Literally. I went to sleep and had a dream, and the steak was a prominent character. Then I woke up at about 3:30am and didn’t get back to sleep until 4:30am. And I still made it to work for 7:00am, because I must … Continue reading mmmmmmmmeat

Bah Humbug

Those who worked with me last winter know that my mantra through the entire Christmas season was a daily Starbucks trip to procure a Grande Eggnog Latte and Cranberry Bliss Bar. Now that I’m on this whole health kick thing, I figured I’d check out the nutritional information of the aforementioned mid-morning snack. It consists … Continue reading Bah Humbug


So apparrently giving in to the Snickers gods, and throwing caution to the wind (or at least, in the general direction of a gigantic piece of pepperoni and sausage pizza), and consuming enough 2-bite brownies to choke a pony, and deciding to upsize to that extra large Mountain Dew will cause one to gain weight … Continue reading Proof