
One of my favourite features of the Nike+iPod setup is the Powersong. It’s a simple concept – pick a song that pumps you up, gets you going, gets the mojo flowing, renews your energy. Program that song into your iPod nano as your Powersong. When you’re lagging and need a boost, you hold down the … Continue reading Powersong


Week 3 is in the can. However, not without a serious episode of needing to get over my damn self already. Last night I posted about not wanting to run and a long list of accompanying excuses. I figured I’d vent the negativity onto the blog and just go home and run. And so many … Continue reading Success!


I thought about making some sort of personal resolutions this year, but 2008 is shaping up to be a year of so much activity, growth and change already I think I’ll just give myself a big pat on the back for making it through. It starts off with becoming a first-time homeowner, complete with list … Continue reading Resolved

One Word

Because I am surrounded by boxes that are not full yet, you get a meme (From Colleen): Here are the ground rules for the newbies: 1. After reading my answers, copy and paste the list into your comment. 2. Change my one-word responses with yours (ONE WORD, even if it kills you). 3. Submit your … Continue reading One Word

Bad Day

The cashier at the drug store was the most sour-faced person I’d seen all day. She was slamming things around, muttering under her breath and looking like there was nothing worse than her particular lot in life at that moment. Then it was my turn. And I placed my midol, tampons and chocolate bar on … Continue reading Bad Day


How awesome is my boss? So awesome that after the whirlwind of work travel, she gave me (in addition to a nice cash bonus) new running gloves and socks, as some incentive to get back into my running routine, since it was interrupted and had basically died. I test-drove the gloves and socks on Monday … Continue reading Speedy

Home Sweet Home

I made it back on Thursday from “Fabulous Las Vegas” and am so incredibly glad the crazy travel time is over. Now we can get on with crazy running time and crazy moving time and crazy wedding time – hopefully in that order. Vegas was good, though was really all work. And while I love … Continue reading Home Sweet Home


Do you (bloggers) ever get to that point where you realize you haven’t written for a while, and you want to, but because it’s been so long you have no idea where to start – you want to apologize for not writing because it has been so long, but you’re not actually sorry because you … Continue reading Catch-all

A Nice Problem to Have

The past week has been an absolute whirlwind – and a complete 180 from the 13 weeks beforehand. I’ve been interviewing like mad (5 work-days, 5 companies, 7 interviews) and find myself presented with two offers (well, 3, but one is totally unsuitable, and the other two companies just haven’t replied yet). In any case, … Continue reading A Nice Problem to Have

Thursday Thirteen

Because I’m feeling random like that 1. I don’t know if it was the full moon or what, but the dog decided last night that bedtime was a great time to go apeshit, and she tore around the bedroom at full speed, pausing only do to her crazy doggie doofus dance (picture bouncing repeatedly up … Continue reading Thursday Thirteen


Someone was asking me yesterday about social networks. And what with the constant stream of emails and posts about facebook, twitter, et al, I figured I may as well chime in on my stance. No. Just no. My feelings on social networks and web 2.0 in general strongly mirror Derek’s, who said it so well, … Continue reading Anti-Social

My So-Called Life

Our true friends are those who are with us when the good things happen. They cheer us on and are pleased by our triumphs. False friends only appear at difficult times, with their sad, supportive faces, when, in fact, our suffering is serving to console them for their miserable lives. ~Paulo Coelho It’s no secret … Continue reading My So-Called Life