
Not to freak anyone (or myself) out, but what I had sounds an awful lot like the Mumps (which is a word that, if you say it to yourself enough times, sounds absolutely ridiculous). I figured this out when I looked at my (still slightly swolen) tongue in the mirror this morning and it looks … Continue reading Hypochondriac


I am officially sick. Achey, flushed, sore throat, fever, headache. And my brother is here. He has a knack of showing up whenever I want him not to. Extra tired? Sick? Cranky? It’s almost guaranteed that he’ll be on my couch when I arrive home. Can’t I just come home and wallow in my misery … Continue reading 98.6+

Blip Bloop

Yes, I’m still here. Just totally uninteresting. Remember all that stuff I did the weekend before last? Now that it’s finally been done, last weekend was full of all sorts of nothing. It was bliss. I’m pretty happy that the strike didn’t mess up my class at all, though I wonder just how far the … Continue reading Blip Bloop

Collect All Six

That’s what the can says on the little Coca Cola Olympic Polar Bear on my desk. It has nothing to do with anything. It’s really, obscenely difficult to find a family doctor ’round these parts. Apparently doctors are only accepting new pregnant patients, and if you are with child then they’d be happy to book … Continue reading Collect All Six

I. Am. Crazy.

I finally went back to the gym yesterday, after a month-long hiatus. I know, I meant to go more during the holiday season, but it just didn’t happen. Until yesterday. And it felt good. Perhaps it was the endorphins, or just a full-moon or something… but that good feeling prompted me to do something completely … Continue reading I. Am. Crazy.


Despite the cranky nature of my posts lately (proving again, blogging is more cathartic than anything), I’m actually really enjoying the season. I’ve put a strict policy in place of not actually making plans for any evening, and judging on a day-by-day basis whether I have the time and energy to go out or not … Continue reading Zen

Eep! Needles!

I’m regularly subjected to medical needles of various shapes and sizes around 10 times a year. No biggie. Regardless, there’s still that teensy bit of socially constructed anxiety around them, for at least a couple seconds. That said, I just got my flu shot. If I drop dead in the next day or two, it’s … Continue reading Eep! Needles!


So apparrently giving in to the Snickers gods, and throwing caution to the wind (or at least, in the general direction of a gigantic piece of pepperoni and sausage pizza), and consuming enough 2-bite brownies to choke a pony, and deciding to upsize to that extra large Mountain Dew will cause one to gain weight … Continue reading Proof

Satisfy Me

It must be a sign. I’ve mentioned before the whole health kick I’m on lately. Today, I had a SERIOUS craving for a Snickers. They’re $1.25 in the vending machine. I rifled through my wallet and the change jar in my desk and came up with a grand total of $1.21. I’m sure I could … Continue reading Satisfy Me


There was a period of time where I took really good care of myself. Ate well, did yoga once a week, aerobics/weights 3 other days a week, got enough sleep… I felt GOOD. That, of course, did not last long. It all went out the window, and in turn, I’ve felt like absolute ASS for … Continue reading Ohmmmm